What goes on behind the scenes?

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at Ritzy Gypsy? 

Well of course its all glamour and excitement! Um.....no it is not :)

Don't get me wrong we do have lots of exciting things that go on around here but the day to day is really lots of hard work. 

You may not know this but much of what we do is made by us in our shop in Texas.

All of our boots are custom designed by me and made by my husband, Lance. Each pair takes quite some time to put together. What's it like making them come together? Well most of the time it goes pretty smooth....other times (like when he puts cheetah hide on a pair that should not have cheetah hide)...then things might get western LOL!!! Its not so bad, most of the time we get along pretty good ;)

All of our leather products are either tooled by Chance or myself. Lance cuts out all of our leather designs and we tool them. He's a teenager so he is not always excited to work, but he's a good boy so he usually gets the job done! 

I make all of the other jewelry. And I design all of our graphic tees too!

We also have a wholesale company. Some days I might be making 100 of the same turquoise necklaces....yes its very tedious. Not my favorite thing to do but its all part of it! I am a designer and creator so some days my ADD goes wild and its hard for me to just sit down and make jewelry but I manage to do it on time....most of the time!

I design a lot of our apparel. Much of our fabric you see is our own custom fabric. I draw up what I want and choose colors and there begins the process of making a design. I LOVE THIS PART OF WHAT I DO! Nothing is more exciting than seeing a design when it is finished. 

Our day to day is lots of hard work and no glam at all! But the rewards of the hard work are so worth every second of it!

Then we get to travel to shows all over. Now that is FUN! Getting to meet all of you...nothing is better! And on the road, you will meet Chloe, my daughter. She loves that part of what we do. You will get a chance to visit with her and she will most likely be the one working behind the counter. Maybe we will see you down the road in 2019!

When you shop with us we hope you feel like you are getting a unique experience. We want you to feel like you are getting something unique that will make you feel special!

From that comes our motto....Be Uniquely You....

God created each of us as women to be unique and one of a kind. We were not made to be like anyone else. In His eyes we are special, made exactly like He wants us to be. We are daughters of a King, so of course that makes us unique!!

I hope this week brings you lots of joy and blessings until we meet again next Monday! 



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